Could I Really Do Adoption?

Maybe you never considered the option of adoption until now. We get it: it’s a hard decision to make, and no one really prepares you for it. Luckily, we have as much information on adoption as you may want, so you are better informed for a pregnancy decision.

Is adoption really right for you? Understanding the adoption process is key when knowing if adoption is right for you. Here is more information so you can make your decision with confidence.

Types of Adoption

First, what is adoption exactly? Adoption is the legal transfer of the birthparents’ rights to the adoptive parents.

Adoption has greatly improved over the years, allowing birthmothers to choose what adoption plan works best for them. Ultimately, the decision is yours.

  1. Open Adoption – You and the adoptive family make a plan and decide how involved you will be. You have the opportunity to be very engaged and participate in regular visits.
  2. Semi-Open Adoption – Communication is done through a third party, and you decide how much contact you participate in.
  3. Closed Adoption – You remain completely anonymous. All identifying records are legally sealed.

Want to Learn More?

You probably still have lots of questions when it comes to adoption, and we are here to listen. We would love to help you learn more about this pregnancy option.

Schedule a free and confidential appointment today to learn more. We believe in helping you find an option that doesn’t compromise your health or peace of mind.